Languages sure are hard to learn. When God first made the world, there was only one language. He didn’t like it because people were all working together to get away from Him, and to displease Him. In response, He made different languages. He broke down our ability to understand each other so we’d remember that He’s the only one who understands us completely, knows us inside out, and cares about what’s going on inside us and around us. And the amazing thing is that God would give anything to help us be the best we can be, and to keep us safe. That’s why when it came down to a decision between us all dying eternally and His living without us, or His dying so that some of us could choose to go to the heaven He prepared for us, Jesus took the challenge. He died for us, with no guarantees that we’d love Him back. He did it because He is good, and wants the best for us, and is not selfish. He died on a Roman cross. He gave everything He had just in case it would make a difference in your life. And because He is perfect, death couldn’t enslave Him, and He is no longer dead. He’s hoping that you will believe in Him.

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